When the medicines don't work, a little love does. When the chocolate cant cheer you up, a warm hug does. Dad's teasing ruffle of your hair, matter more than that crocodile print Gucci. Walking barefoot on grass, with the tender stalks shyly curling up your toes feels indescribably pleasant. One new notification on facebook. Couriers. Coffee steaming up your glasses.

Its always the small things in life that matter and count :)

Friday 17 February 2012

A prayer.

Ever heard of a story which has broken your heart into smithereens? A disease that cannot be cured, an affliction that has no remedy? Just a victim breaking down to dust in front of you?

Ever heard of death in a family that was so unfair? Bike rides gone awry. One small step on a landmine. Gun point massacre. A soft colored pearl necklace that caught a goon's fancy and the 18 year old girl who was found dead because she was wearing it? The 8 month foetus covered in gummy blood lying in the ditch?

Sometimes, you cannot help. No money, no listening heart, no heart-felt hug can ease the pain. 

Times like that, close your eyes, fold your hands and pray. If nothing, say a prayer..a soft call of help to the Almighty above to give strength to the ones affected to get over it. 

An honest heart, an honest prayer. 


  1. Pain is strange. A cat killing a bird, a car accident, a fire....!!

    Pain arrives, BANG, and there it is, it sits on you. It's real. And to anybody watching, you look foolish. Like you've suddenly become an idiot. There's no cure for it unless you know somebody who understands how you feel, and knows how to help.

  2. Yes, strength needed. Especially today....the world is just tougher day by day

  3. Simple, yet effective. And sometimes it works.
    First time here :-)

  4. Yes, prayer's indeed save our souls.
